

Nowadays people work with the help of technology so some people think that old people should continue to work what is its benefits and drawbacks

 Nowadays people work with the help of technology so some people think that old people should continue to work what is its benefits and drawbacks


IELTS writing topics and answers

IELTS writing topics are extensive, and consistently finding answers for them takes practice. Below I share how I produce an essay, including thinking of ideas, building paragraphs and planning.

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IELTS essay topics and answers: education

IELTS essay topics and answer: globalisation

IELTS essay topics and answer: travel and transport

IELTS essay Topics and Answer: Employment

IELTS essay topics and answer: gender issues

IELTS topic and answer: education

IELTS essay topics and answer: employment (skills)

IELTS topic : gender issues (career)

IELTS essay topics and answer: technology

IELTS essay topic and answer: health

IELTS essay topics and answer: society

Quick presentation on the topics and answers

Common IELTS writing task 2 topics (list)

Below is a list of the most common IELTS essay topics for task 2 questions. Click the topic to get a sample essay, vocabulary list, and a Ted Talk video (to help learn the vocabulary in context). You can also find an indepth tutorial about IELTS vocabulary and lexical resource here.








Language and culture



This is an IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of technology from a real past IELTS exam/test.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Technology (Real Past Exam/Test)

Some believe technology has made our lives too complex and the solution is to lead a simpler life without technology.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Real Past IELTS Tests

Many are of the opinion that technology has done more harm than good and we ought to simplify in order to lead more fulfilling lives. I agree that technology has its drawbacks but I think turning away from technology is impractical.

The main reason that technology has complicated life for people today is that it has made people perpetually available. In the past, a worker might work a 9 to 5 then come home to spend time with their family, have dinner and enjoy their private life. That simplicity is largely no longer the case. Once work ends, you can still get email notifications and phone calls from managers or co-workers. The end result is that you can never be fully present in the moment because work always threatens to pull you back.

Although life has become more complicated and this is a negative development, shutting yourself off from technology would only serve to isolate people from the world. If you want to stay in touch with friends and know about events in your area, it is essential to have a phone. You can use Facebook Messenger to cheaply chat with individuals or make group plans. Email is an indispensable element of nearly every job. Without it, you are filtering out quality jobs and predetermining manual work as your vocation.

In conclusion, although technology has hurt people, turning away from it is not feasible today without making drastic sacrifices. Instead, people ought to seek ways to compartmentalise technology in order to live happier, more satisfying lives.


1. Many are of the opinion that technology has done more harm than good and we ought to simplify in order to lead more fulfilling lives. 2. I agree that technology has its drawbacks but I think turning away from technology is impractical.

Paraphrase the overall topic for the essay.

Include your opinion – choose a side!

1. The main reason that technology has complicated life for people today is that it has made people perpetually available. 2. In the past, a worker might work a 9 to 5 then come home to spend time with their family, have dinner and enjoy their private life. 3. That simplicity is largely no longer the case. 4. Once work ends, you can still get email notifications and phone calls from managers or co-workers. 5. The end result is that you can never be fully present in the moment because work always threatens to pull you back.

Write a topic sentence with a main idea at the end – for me it is being perpetually available.

Begin to develop it. I use a hypothetical example here.

Vary up your long and short sentences for effect.

Be specific – meniote the notifications, phone calls, etc.

State the result to finish the paragraph.

1. Although life has become more complicated and this is a negative development, shutting yourself off from technology would only serve to isolate people from the world. 2. If you want to stay in touch with friends and know about events in your area, it is essential to have a phone. 3. You can use Facebook Messenger to cheaply chat with individuals or make group plans. 4. Email is an indispensable element of nearly every job. 5. Without it, you are filtering out quality jobs and predetermining manual work as your vocation.

Write another topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.

Develop it with specific detail.

Make sure that you use really specific examples such as Facebook Messenger.

Keep developing the same main idea.

State the result again.

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